AM IBOC Stations on the Air

Please note: this page is no longer being maintained. I no longer have the time, interest, or access to sources of information to do updates. If anyone wants to grab a copy of this page and maintain it on another site, you are welcome to do so.

The following is a list of the AM stations that are believed to be transmitting IBOC (also known as "HD Radio") at this time. The list also includes stations that have previously transmitted IBOC, but are not currently using that mode. This information has been collected from a variety of sources. In addition to the USA, this list now also includes stations in the border area of Mexico. Use of the AM IBOC system has not been authorized in Canada.

Originally, AM stations in the USA could only operate IBOC during the daytime hours unless they had special authorization to conduct nighttime tests.  In the winter months, operation could begin at 0600 and extend until 1800, if this provided a longer period than sunrise to sunset.  On March 22, 2007, the FCC indicated that it would approve nighttime operation (for stations that have regular nighttime authorization), but this would not go into effect until 30 days after the final rules are published in the Federal Register.

Update: the rules were published on August 15, 2007, so 24/7 AM IBOC operation was permitted to start on September 14, 2007. Many stations, however, did not go to 24/7 IBOC on that date. I have added a column to the table which indicates the nighttime IBOC status of each station, if that information is available (a blank entry indicates that the nighttime status is unknown).

Stations which previously ran IBOC but currently have it turned off completely are shown in green.

Total number of stations listed:  311

Number of stations currently on air with IBOC:  114

Number of stations confirmed to be running IBOC at night, at least intermittently: 32

Please send additions and corrections to
Last update: 20 Jul 2019

For technical info, see the AM IBOC Parameter page.

Freq Call State City Class Ant Day Power Night Power Night
Format Owner Notes
550 KFYI AZ Phoenix B NDA 5000 1000 N News/Talk Clear Channel Reported off Feb 2010, but on Jan 2013
KTSA TX San Antonio B DAN 5000 5000
BMP Radio
Reported off Dec 2013
WBZS RI Pawtucket B DAN 1000 500 N Talk
Pennsylvania Media
Off since Sep 2010 (former WDDZ, Disney)
560 WQAM FL Miami B NDA 5000 1000 N Sports Beasley Off for several years as of Mar 2013
KLZ CO Denver B DA2 5000 5000 Y News/Talk Crawford Broadcasting
WRDT MI Monroe D DA2 500 13 N Religion Crawford Broadcasting
WHYN MA Springfield B DA2 5000 1000
Talk Clear Channel IBOC turned off due to antenna bandwidth issues
570 WSPZ MD Bethesda B DA2 5000 1000 Y Sports
Clear Channel Ex-WTNT
KLAC CA Los Angeles B DAN 5000 5000 N Sports Clear Channel Reported off Dec 2013
KLIF TX Dallas B DA2 5000 5000 Y Talk Cumulus Reported off 2009
580 WTAG MA Worcester B DA2 5000 5000 N News/Talk Clear Channel
KMJ CA Fresno B DA1 50000 50000 N News/Talk CBS Radio Reported off Aug 08
WGAC GA Augusta B DAN 5000 840 N Talk Beasley
WHP PA Harrisburg B DAN 5000 5000 N Talk Clear Channel Reported off Jul 2017
590 KQNT WA Spokane B NDA 5000 5000
News/Talk Clear Channel
600 KOGO CA San Diego B DA1 5000 5000 Y News/Talk Clear Channel Off and on several times, but currently back on
WCAO MD Baltimore B DA1 5000 5000 Y Black Gospel Clear Channel
WREC TN Memphis B DA2 5000 5000 N News/Talk Clear Channel Reported off Nov 2014
WBWL FL Jacksonville B DAN 5000 5000
Pre-Teen ABC Radio Silent Sep 2010
WMT IA Cedar Rapids B DAN 5000 5000 Y News/Talk Clear Channel Reported off June 2014
610 KOJM MT Havre B DA2 1000 1000
Talk/AC New Media Broadcasters
WTEL PA Philadelphia B DA1 5000 5000 Y Sports CBS Radio Ex-WIP. Reported off Dec 2014
WTVN OH Columbus B DAN 5000 5000 N? Talk Clear Channel Reported off Jul 15
WFNZ NC Charlotte B DA2 5000 1000 Y Sports CBS Radio
620 WTMJ WI Milwaukee B DA2 50000 10000 Y
News/Talk Journal Broadcast Reported off Jun 07, back on Oct 07; off since Mar 2016
KMKI TX Plano B DA2 5000 4500 Y
Pre-Teen ABC Radio Reported off Sep 2014
KTAR AZ Phoenix B DAN 5000 5000 N Sports Bonneville Reported off Feb 2010, but currently back on
WDAE FL St. Petersburg B DA2 10000 10000 N
Sports Clear Channel Reported off Jan 2017
630 KHOW CO Denver B DA2 5000 5000 N Talk Clear Channel Off since summer 07
WPRO RI Providence B DAN 5000 5000 N Talk Cumulus Reported off 24/7 Nov 07
WMAL DC Washington B DA2 5000 5000 N News/Talk Cumulus
640 KFI CA Los Angeles A NDA 50000 50000 Y Talk Clear Channel Reported off Aug 15
KWPN OK Moore B DA2 5000 1000 N Sports Cumulus Reported off recently, but still on at least intermittently (Nov 2014).
WWJZ NJ Mount Holly B DA2 50000 950 N Pre-Teen Radio Disney Reported off summer 2010
WOI IA Ames B DAN 5000 1000
News/Talk Iowa State University
650 KENI AK Anchorage A NDA 50000 50000
News/Talk Claer Channel
KSTE CA Rancho Cordova B DA2 21400 920 Y Talk Clear Channel Reported off Jul 2011
660 WFAN NY New York City A NDA 50000 50000 Y* Sports CBS Radio Reported off Nov 2011
670 WSCR IL Chicago A NDA 50000 50000 Y* Sports CBS Radio Off in 2019, antenna now diplexed with WBBM
KLTT CO Commerce City B DA2 50000 1400 Y Religion Crawford Broadcasting
KBOI ID Boise B DAN 50000 50000 N News/Talk Cumulus
KDLG AK Dillingham A NDA 10000 10000
Variety Dillingham Schools
680 KKYX TX San Antonio B DAN 50000 10000
C&W Cox
690 WJOX AL Birmingham B DAN 50000 500 N Sports Cumulus Reported off Jan 08
700 WLW OH Cincinnati A NDA 50000 50000 Y Talk Clear Channel Reported off May 2015
710 WOR NY New York A DA1 50000 50000 N Talk Clear Channel Reported off Apr 2016
KSPN CA Los Angeles B DAN 50000 10000 N Sports ABC Radio Reported off Feb 09, back on May 09, off again Aug 2011
720 WGN IL Chicago A NDA 50000 50000 Y Talk WGN Continental Broadcasting IBOC noted off Nov 08
KDWN NV Las Vegas B DAN 50000 50000 N News Beasley
KOTZ AK Kotzebue A NDA 10000 10000
Variety Kotzebue Broadcasting Dec 2013: station confirms they turned IBOC off years ago
730 WTNT VA Alexandria B NDA 8000 30
Mega Communications Ex-WKDR/WXTR, IBOC off since becoming WXTR
KNFL ID Boise B DA2 15000 500
Impact Radio Group
Ex-KBSU, IBOC off since ownership change?
KYYA MT Billings B NDA 5000 236
Connoisseur Media
Ex-KURL, IBOC off after ownership change
740 KCBS CA San Francisco B DA2 50000 50000 Y News CBS Radio IBOC reported off mid-May 06, back on Oct 07, off Apr 2016
WSBR FL Boca Raton B DA2 2500 940
Bus. News Beasley IBOC off since 20 Jan 06
KBRT CA Costa Mesa
B DA2 50000 190 N Religion Crawford Broadcasting Off at sunset, s/on at 0600
KVOR CO Colorado Springs B DA2 3300 1500 N News/Talk Cumulus
WDGY WI Hudson D DA-D 2500 - N Oldies WRPX Inc. Reported on Dec 2013, but no FCC notification, off for good Mar 2017.
WSB GA Atlanta A NDA 50000 50000
News/Talk Cox IBOC said to be off due to listener complaints
KOAL UT Price B DAN 10000 6800
Talk/Sports Eastern Utah Broadcasting
760 KKZN CO Thornton B DA2 50000 1000 N Talk Clear Channel Reported off Apr 2013
WJR MI Detroit A NDA 50000 50000 N News/Talk Cumulus Reported off Aug 08
KTKR TX San Antonio B DA2 50000 1000
Clear Channel
Reported off Dec 2013
770 WWCN FL North Fort Myers B DA2 10000 1000 N Sports Beasley Reported off May 2011
KAAM TX Garland B DA2 10000 1000
Adult Standards Crawford Broadcasting Reported off Apr 2011
KCBC CA Riverbank B DA2 50000 1000 N Religion Crawford Broadcasting
WABC NY New York City A NDA 50000 50000 N Talk Cumulus IBOC went off in 2009
KCHU AK Valdez A NDA 9750 9750
News/Variety Treminal Radio Inc. Dec 2013: station confirms IBOC not in use
780 WBBM IL Chicago A NDA 42000 35000 Y* News/Talk CBS Radio Off in 2019, antenna now diplexed with WSCR
790 KABC CA Los Angeles B DAN 5000 5000 N Talk Cumulus Reported off Feb 09, reported on Jan 15
KBME TX Houston B DA2 5000 5000
Sports Clear Channel Reported off late 2012
WPRV RI Providence B DAN 5000 5000 N Oldies Cumulus Reported off Mar 09
WQXI GA Atlanta B DAN 28000 1000
Sports Lincoln Financial Media Reported off Jan 2014

Costa Eagle Broadcasting
Reported off Jul 2011
810 WGY NY Schenectady A NDA 50000 50000 Y News/Talk Clear Channel Reported back on Oct 2017
KLVZ CO Brighton D DA2 2200 430 Y Adult Stnds Crawford Broadcasting
KGO CA San Francisco A DA1 50000 50000 N News/Talk Cumulus Reported off May 2010
820 WVSG OH Columbus B DAN 5000 790
Religion St. Gabriel Radio Inc. Ex-WOSU
WNYC NY New York B DA2 10000 1000 N News/Talk WNYC Radio Off Nov 2010
WWBA FL Largo B DA2 50000 1000 N Talk Genesis Communications Ex-WMGG, IBOC off since ownership change
KUTR UT Taylorsville B DA2 50000 2500 N Cont. Christian Julie Epperson
WBAP TX Fort Worth A NDA 50000 50000 N News/Talk Cumulus Reported off Feb 09
830 KLAA CA Orange B DAN 50000 20000
Spanish/English Talk LAA1 LLC Ex-KMXE. IBOC off since ownership change
WCCO MN Minneapolis A NDA 50000 50000 Y News/Talk CBS Radio Reported off June 2018
KSDP AK Sand Point B NDA 1000 1000
Variety Aleutian Peninsula Broadcasting
840 WHAS KY Louisville A NDA 50000 50000 Y Talk Clear Channel Off late Dec 08, back Jan 09, noted off Jan 2012
KXNT NV North Las Vegas B DA2 50000 25000 N Talk CBS Radio
850 KFUO MO Clayton D NDA 5000   N Religion Lutheran Church
KOA CO Denver A NDA 50000 50000 Y News/Talk Clear Channel Off for several months as of Mar 2013
WXJC AL Birmingham B DA2 50000 1000 N Gospel Crawford Broadcasting Noted off since fall 2017
KHHO WA Tacoma B DA2 10000 1000 Y Sports Clear Channel Reported off June 2011
860 KONO TX  San Antonio B DAN 5000 900
Oldies Cox
WAEC GA Atlanta B DAN 5000 500 N Religion Beasley
KMVP AZ Phoenix B DAN 940 1000 Y Gospel Bonneville
WWDB PA Philadelphia D DAD 10000
N Ethnic/Variety
Beasley Went off sometime in late 2011
870 WKAR MI East Lansing D DAD 10000   N News/Talk Michigan State University Reported Feb 2011 that IBOC has been off for at least a year
880 WCBS NY New York City A NDA 50000 50000 Y* News CBS Radio *Off for local sports broadcasts
890 WLS IL Chicago A NDA 50000 50000 N Talk Cumulus Reported off Feb 2010
KBBI AK Homer A NDA 10000 10000
News/Variety Kachemak Bay Broadcasting Dec 2013: station confirms they have given up on IBOC
910 KPOF CO Denver B NDA 5000 1000 Y Gospel Pillar of Fire
WSUI IA Iowa City B DAN 5000 4000
News/Talk University of Iowa
WFDF MI Farmington Hills B DA2 50000 25000 Y Talk Adell Radio Group Reported back on May 2015, under new ownership
WRNL VA Richmond B DAN 5000 1500 Y Sports Clear Channel Off sometime before 2012
KKSF CA Oakland B DA2 20000 5000 Y Talk Clear Channel Ex-KNEW. Reported off Dec 2010
KWDZ UT Salt Lake City B DA2 5000 1000 Y Pre-Teen ABC Radio Silent Sep 2013
KGME AZ Phoenix B DAN 5000 5000
Sports Clear Channel Reported off Feb 2010, but on Jan 2013
KIYU AK Galena B NDA 5000 5000
Variety Big River Public Broadcasting
920 WHJJ RI Providence B DAN 5000 5000 N Talk Clear Channel Reported off Jan 2013
WOKY WI Milwaukee B DA2 5000 1000 Y Adult Standards Clear Channel Off late 2012
KARN AR Little Rock B DAN 5000 5000 N Sports Cumulus
WBAA IN West Lafayette B DAN 5000 1000
News/Jazz Purdue University
930 KNSA AK Unalakleet B NDA 2500 2500
Variety Unalakleet Broadcasting
WLBL WI Auburndale B NDA 5000 70
News/Talk State of Wisconsin
WPKX NH Rochester B DA2 5000 5000
Sports Clear Channel Ex-WGIN. Reported off Dec 2013
WFXJ FL Jacksonville B DAN 5000 5000
Sports Clear Channel
940 WIPR PR San Juan B DA1 10000 10000
Spanish Variety Puerto Rico Public Broadcasting Corp.
950 WWJ MI Detroit B DA2 50000 50000 Y News CBS Radio Reported off 3 Feb 08, back on Apr 08
WKDN PA Philadelphia B DA2 43000 21000 N
Family Radio
Ex-WPEN, reported off Feb 2013
WXGI VA Richmond D NDA 3900 45
Sports Gee Communications Off sometime before 2012
KCAP MT Helena B DAN 5000 5000
News/Talk Cherry Creek Radio Ex-KMTX
KKSE CO Denver B DA1 5000 5000 Y Sports KSE Radio Ventures Ex-KRWZ
KPRC TX Houston B DAN 5000 5000
Talk Clear Channel Reported off late 2012
XEKAM MX Rosarito B DA2 20000 5000 Y Spanish News/Talk Grupo Formula Reported back on summer 2015
960 KNEW CA Oakland B DA1 5000 5000 Y Bus.Talk Clear Channel Ex-KKGN. Reported off Apr 2016
WELI CT New Haven B DAN 5000 5000 N Talk Clear Channel

Clear Channel

970 WFLA FL Tampa B DA2 25000 11000 N
Talk Clear Channel Reported off Jan 2017
WHA WI Madison B NDA 5000 51 Y News/Talk University of Wisconsin
KESP CA Modesto B DA2 1000 1000 N Sports Cumulus
XEEZ MX Caborca, Sonora B NDA 5000 250
Regional Mexican Grupo Radio Palacios
980 WHSR FL Pompano Beach B DAD 5000 1000
Haitian Beasley IBOC reported off since June 05
WTEM DC Washington B DA2 50000 5000 Y Sports Clear Channel
WOFX NY Troy B DAN 5000 5000 Y Sports Clear Channel
KFWB CA Los Angeles B NDA 5000 5000 Y* Spanish Oldies Lotus Communications * Intermittent night ops
WONE OH Dayton B DAN 5000 5000 N
Sports Clear Channel
990 WMYM FL Miami B DA2 5000 5000 N Pre-Teen ABC Radio Reported off Jan 2014
WDCX NY Rochester B DA2 5000 2500 N Religion Kimtron Inc. Ex-WLGZ
WDYZ FL Orlando B DA2 50000 14000 Y Pre-Teen ABC Radio Off since Dec 2012
KATD CA Pittsburg B DA2 10000 5000
Spanish Way Broadcasting
1000 KTOK OK Oklahoma City B DA2 5000 5000
News/Talk Clear Channel Reported off Dec 09
WMVP IL Chicago A DA2 50000 50000 Y Sports ABC Radio Night ops started mid-Nov 08, IBOC reported off Jul 2010
1010 WOLB MD Baltimore D NDA 1000 26
Urban Talk Radio One
WINS NY New York City B DA2 50000 50000 Y News CBS Radio
1020 KTNQ CA Los Angeles B DA2 50000 50000
Spanish Talk Univision IBOC reported off Sep07
KDKA PA Pittsburgh A NDA 50000 50000 Y News/Talk CBS Radio Off sometime in 2010
1030 WBZ MA Boston A DA1 50000 50000 N News/Talk CBS Radio Sep 2017: continues off at night, but reported on during daytime.
1040 WHO IA Des Moines A NDA 50000 50000 Y News/Talk Clear Channel Reported off Jan 2012
KCBR CO Monument D NDA 15000
N Hip Hop Pueblo Radio Group
1050 KTCT CA San Mateo B DA2 50000 10000 Y Sports Cumulus Reported off Aug 08, back on Nov 2011, off Apr 2016
1060 KYW PA Philadelphia A DA1 50000 50000 Y* News CBS Radio * Noted on 16 Dec 07
1070 WFNI IN Indianapolis B DA2 50000 10000 Y Sports Emmis
KNX CA Los Angeles A NDA 50000 50000 Y News CBS Radio Back on Mar 09
WNCT NC Greenville B DA2 10000 10000 N R&B Oldies Beasley
WDIA TN Memphis B DA2 50000 5000
Urban AC Clear Channel Reported off in 2010
WAPI AL Birmingham B DAN 50000 5000 N Talk Cumulus
WTSO WI Madison B DA2 10000 5000 Y Sports Clear Channel Off as of Nov 2012
1080 KRLD TX Dallas A DAN 50000 50000 Y
News/Talk CBS Radio Off for live sports
WTIC CT Hartford A DAN 50000 50000 Y News/Talk CBS Radio
1090 WILD MA Boston D NDA 4800   N Gospel Radio One Reported off Jul 2011
KMXA CO Aurora B DA2 50000 500 N Spanish Hits Entravision
1100 WWWE GA Hapeville D NDA 5000   N Spanish Beasley
WTAM OH Cleveland A NDA 50000 50000 Y
News/Talk Clear Channel Noted off Feb 2013
1110 KFAB NE Omaha A DAN 50000 50000 Y News/Talk Clear Channel Reported off Oct 2012
KDIS CA Pasadena B DA2 50000 20000 N
Pre-Teen ABC Radio IBOC off sometime in 2014-15
WBT NC Charlotte A DAN 50000 50000 N
News/Talk Greater Media IBOC tests, but never used on a regular basis
1120 KMOX MO St Louis A NDA 50000 50000 Y News/Talk CBS Radio
1130 KTLK MN Minneapolis B DA2 50000 25000
News/Talk Clear Channel Ex-KFAN. Reported off Sep 2011
WISN WI Milwaukee B DA2 50000 10000 Y News/Talk Clear Channel Reported Apr 2016 IBOC has been off for several years
WDFN MI Detroit B DA2 50000 10000 N Sports Clear Channel Reported off early 2013
1140 WRVA VA Richmond A DA1 50000 50000 Y* News/Talk Clear Channel Reported off July 2019
KHTK CA Sacramento B DA2 50000 50000 Y Sports CBS Radio
WVEL IL Pekin D NDA 5000

Gospel Regent Broadcasting
1160 KSL UT Salt Lake City A NDA 50000 50000 Y News/Talk Bonneville Off for BYU play-by-play.  Dec 2011 IBOC outage was temporary
KRDY TX San Antonio B DA2 10000 1000 Y Pre-Teen ABC Radio Silent Sep 2013
KVCE TX Highland Park B DA2 35000 1000
Urban Oldies First Broadcasting Reported off Mar 2010
1170 KLOK CA San Jose B DA2 50000 5000 N Ethnic Principle Broadcasting Network Reported off Aug 09, on daytime only Apr 2016
KFAQ OK Tulsa A DAN 50000 50000 Y Talk Journal Broadcast Reported off Feb 2011, but on again as of Oct 2014
WWVA WV Wheeling A DAN 50000 50000 Y Talk/Religion Clear Channel Noted on 23 Dec 08, off since antenna rebuild in 2011?
1180 WHAM NY Rochester A NDA 50000 50000 N News/Talk Clear Channel Reported off Jul 2017
1190 KEX OR Portland A DAN 50000 50000 Y Talk Clear Channel Reported Sep 2015 has been off for several years
WOWO IN Fort Wayne B DAN 50000 9800 Y News/Talk Federated Media
KPHN MO Kansas City B DAN 5000 500 Y Pre-Teen ABC Radio Silent Sep 2013
1200 WCHB MI Taylor B DA2 50000 15000 Y Talk Radio One Reported Mar 2015 IBOC had been off for at least a year
WOAI TX San Antonio A NDA 50000 50000 Y News/Talk Clear Channel
WRTO IL Chicago B DA2 10000 1000
Spanish Talk Univision Reported off June 2010
1210 WPHT PA Philadelphia A NDA 50000 50000 Y Talk CBS Radio Reported off July 2018
WLRO LA Denham Springs B DAN 10000 1000
Sports Clear Channel Ex-WSKR
1220 KLDC CO Denver D NDA 660 11 Y Religion Crawford Broadcasting
WZBK NH Keene B NDA 1000 146
Sports Saga Communications
1230 WYTS OH Columbus C NDA 1000 1000
Sports Clear Channel
WECK NY Cheektowaga C NDA 1000 1000 Y C&W Culver Communications IBOC turned off after ownership change
KSJK OR Talent C NDA 1000 1000
News/Talk Southern Oregon University
WCWA OH Toledo C NDA 1000 1000 Y Sports Clear Channel Reported off Dec 2013
WJBC IL Bloomington C NDA 1000 1000
News/Talk Regent Broadcasting
WTKG MI Grand Rapids C NDA 1000 1000 Y Talk Clear Channel
KDIX ND Dickinson C NDA 1000 1000
Oldies Starrdak Inc.
WJOI VA Norfolk C NDA 627 627
Adult Standards Tidewater Communications Reported Nov 2018 has been off for several years
KOY AZ Phoenix C NDA 1000 1000
Talk Clear Channel Reported off Feb 2010, but on Jan 2013
1240 WBAS MA West Yarmouth C NDA 1000 1000 Y Ethnic Boston University Ex-WBUR IBOC reported off May 2014
WHVN NC Charlotte C NDA 1000 1000
Religion WHVN Inc.
WTAX IL Springfield C NDA 1000 1000
News/Talk Saga Communications
KDSK NM Albuquerque C NDA 1000 1000
KD Radio Inc.
WMMB FL Melbourne C NDA 1000 1000
News/Talk Clear Channel
KJCR MT Billings C NDA 1000 1000
Religion Agnus Dei Communications
1250 WHNZ FL Tampa B DA2 25000 5900 N News/Talk Clear Channel
WDDZ PA Pittsburgh B DAN 5000 5000 N Pre-Teen
Sports Radio Group LLC Ex-WEAE. Off since mid-2013
KWSU WA Pullman B NDA 5000 5000
News/Talk Washington State University
KKDZ WA Seattle B DAN 5000 500 N Ethnic Universal Media Access Reported back on Jul 2011
1260 WNDE IN Indianapolis B DAN 5000 5000 Y* Sports Clear Channel * Intermittent night ops
WMKI MA Boston B DAN 5000 5000 Y Pre-Teen ABC Radio Reported off Feb 2011
WYDE AL Birmingham B NDA 5000 41 N Talk Crawford Broadcasting Noted off since fall 2017
WWVT VA Christianburg B NDA 5000 25 N News/Talk Virginia Tech
WSDZ IL Belleville B DA2 20000 5000 Y Talk Salem Media
WCCR OH Cleveland B DA2 10000 5000
Religion St. Peter the Rock Media Ex-WWMK
WSUA FL Miami B DA2 50000 20000
Spanish Grupo Latino de Radio
1270 WXYT MI Detroit B DA2 50000 50000 Y Sports CBS Radio
WCGC NC Belmont B DA2 10000 500 Y Religion GHB Broadcasting
KFLC TX Fort Worth B DA2 50000 5000 N Spanish News/Talk Univision
1280 WADO NY New York City B DA2 50000 7200
Spanish Univision Reported off mid-2012
KWSX CA Stockton B DAN 1000 1000
Talk Clear Channel
WHTK NY Rochester B DAN 5000 5000 N Sports Clear Channel Reported off Apr 09
WRNI RI Providence B DA2 10000 10000 Y News/Talk WRNI Foundation Reported off Dec 09
KCUB AZ Tucson B NDA 1000 1000 N Sports Cumulus Not listed by iBiquity
WWTX DE Wilmington D NDA 2500 32
Sports Clear Channel
WDZY VA Colonial Heights B NDA 25000 41
Pre-Teen Radio Disney Silent Sep 2013
1300 KAKC OK Tulsa B DA2 5000 1000 N Business Talk Clear Channel Reported off Jan 2013
WRDZ IL La Grange B DA2 4500 4000
Pre-Teen ABC Radio Reported off Nov 2012
KCSF CO Colorado Springs B NDA 5000 1000 N Sports Cumulus Ex-KKML
WAVZ CT New Haven B DAN 1000 1000
Sports Clear Channel Has been off since October 2012
KPMO CA Mendocino D NDA 5000 77
News/Talk JPR Foundation Inc.
1310 WGSP NC Charlotte B NDA 1000 40
Spanish Norsan Broadcasting
KTCK TX Dallas B DA2 9000 5000
Sports Cumulus Reported off Mar 2010
WTLC IN Indianapolis B DAN 5000 1000 Y Religion Radio One
WIBA WI Madison B DAN 5000 5000 Y News/Talk Clear Channel Reported Sep 2011 IBOC has been off at least a year
KMKY CA Oakland B DA1 5000 5000
Ethnic Akal Broadcasting Reported off Apr 2016 (former Radio Disney)
1330 KKPZ OR Portland B DA1 5000 5000 Y Religion Crawford Broadcasting
KJPR CA Shasta Lake City B DA2 1000 1000
News/Talk JPR Foundation Inc.
1340 KDCO CO Denver C NDA 1000 1000 Y Sports Kona Coast Radio Ex-KCFR, KVOQ
WIZE OH Springfield C NDA 1000 1000
Country Clear Channel
WJYI WI Milwaukee C NDA 1000 1000
Religion Saga Communications
WEXL MI Royal Oak C DAD 1000 1000
Gospel Crawford Broadcasting
WHAT PA Philadelphia C NDA 1000 1000
Adult Standards
Marconi Broadcasting Off as of Sep 07
KCBL CA Fresno C NDA 1000 1000
Sports Clear Channel
KUOW WA Tumwater C NDA 1000 1000
News/Talk Puget Sound Public Radio
1350 WMMV FL Cocoa B DAN 1000 1000
News/Talk Clear Channel
WARF OH Akron B DA1 5000 5000
Sports Clear Channel
1360 WSAI OH Cincinnati B DAN 5000 5000 N Talk Clear Channel Reported off Jan 2013
1370 WSPD OH Toledo B DAN 5000 5000 Y News/Talk Clear Channel Reported off Dec 2013
1380 KMUS OK Sperry B DA2 7000 250 Y* Pre-Teen ABC Radio Off since Jan 2010
WWMI FL St. Petersburg B DAN 5000 5000
Pre-Teen ABC Radio Reported off Sep 2013
WPLA NH Portsmouth B DAN 1000 1000
Silent Clear Channel Ex-WMYF
KRKO WA Everett B DAN 34000 50000
Sports S-R Broadcasting Reported off since Mar 2018
1390 WGRB IL Chicago B DA2 5000 5000 Y
Black Gospel Clear Channel Reported off Sep 08, on Feb 09
KGNU CO Denver B NDA 5000 140 Y Variety Boulder Community Broadcast Assn.
WNIO OH Youngstown B DAN 9500 4800 N
Sports Clear Channel Not listed by iBiquity, but still on
1400 WJLD AL Fairfield C NDA 1000 1000
Blues/Talk Richardson Broadcasting Reported off Dec 2010
WCOS SC Columbia C NDA 1000 1000
Sports Clear Channel Off sometime in 2010?
WGIN ME Biddeford C NDA 1000 1000
News/Talk Saga Communications Ex-WVAE
KTUC AZ Tucson C NDA 1000 1000 N Adult Standards Cumulus
WWIN MD Baltimore C NDA 500 500
Gospel Radio One
1430 KTBZ OK Tulsa B DA2 25000 5000 Y Sports Clear Channel Reported off Jan 2013
WKOX MA Everett B DAN 5000 1000 Y Spanish
Clear Channel Reported off Jul 2011
WPLN TN Madison B DAN 15000 1000
News/Talk Nashville Public Radio Reported off Jun 2013
1440 KFNY CA Riverside B NDA 1000 1000 Y
News/Talk Clear Channel ex-KDIF
KYCR MN Golden Valley B DAN 5000 500
Business Talk Salem Media Ex-KDIZ
1450 KMRY IA Cedar Rapids C NDA 1000 1000
Adult Standards Sellers Broadcasting Reported off Dec 2011
WBYU LA New Orleans C NDA 1000 1000
Pre-Teen ABC Radio Silent since Nov 2011
WOL DC Washington C NDA 1000 1000
Urban Talk Radio One Reported off Jan 2014
KTZR AZ Tucson C NDA 1000 1000
Talk Clear Channel
WILM DE Wilmington C NDA 1000 1000
News/Talk Clear Channel
WSDV FL Sarasota C NDA 1000 1000 Y News/Talk Clear Channel
KRZY NM Albuquerque C NDA 1000 1000
Spanish Sports Entravision
1460 WTKT PA Harrisburg B DAN 5000 5000
Sports Clear Channel Went off sometime in 2011
KXNO IA Des Moines B DAN 5000 5000 Y Sports Clear Channel
WDDY NY Albany B DAN 5000 5000 Y Pre-Teen ABC Radio Reported off Feb 09
1470 WWNN FL Pompano Beach B DA2 50000 2500
Talk Beasley IBOC off since 16 Jan 07
WSAN PA Allentown B DAN 5000 5000 N Spanish Sports Clear Channel
KIID CA Sacramento B DA2 5000 1000
Pre-Teen ABC Radio Reported off Jan 2014
1480 WDAS PA Philadelphia B DA2 5000 1000
Clear Channel Reported off 9 Mar 08 and again in 2012
WGFY NC Charlotte B DA2 4400 5000
Religion Christian Advent Media
WGVU MI Kentwood B DAN 2000 5000
Oldies Grand Valley State University
WKGC FL Panama City Beach D NDA 500 87
News/Talk/Classics Gulf Coast Community College
1490 KCFC CO Boulder C NDA 1000 1000 Y News/Talk Public Broadcasting of Colorado
WOLF NY Syracuse C NDA 1000 1000
Sports Wolf Radio
WBAE ME Portland C NDA 1000 1000
Adult Standards Saga Communications

Paper Cutters Inc.

1500 WFED DC Washington A DA2 50000 50000 N News/Talk Bonneville IBOC back on 16 Oct 07, off again Dec 07
1510 WLAC TN Nashville A DAN 50000 50000 Y News/Talk Clear Channel Off since fall 09
1520 KKXA WA Snohomish B DAN 50000 50000
Country CAAM Partnership LLC Reported off since Mar 2018
1530 WCKY OH Cincinnati A DAN 50000 50000 N Sports Clear Channel * Noted on Dec 09 (day only)
KQSC CO Colorado Springs B NDA 15000 15 N Country Kona Coast Radio
KFBK CA Sacramento A DA2 50000 50000 Y News/Talk Clear Channel Reported off Sep 2015
1540 WDCD NY Albany B DA1 50000 50000 Y Religion Crawford Broadcasting Reported off Feb 09
1550 WDZK CT Bloomfield B DA2 5000 2400
Pre-Teen Radio Disney Off Sep 2010 (now WSDK)
1560 WFME NY New York City A DA2 50000 50000 Y Religion Family Stations Inc. Ex- WQEW. Off since Nov 2014
1570 KCVR CA Lodi B DA2 5000 500
Spanish Sports Entravision
1580 KMIK AZ Phoenix B DAN 50000 50000 N Pre-Teen ABC Radio Reported off Nov 2012
1590 KMIC TX Houston B DAN 5000 5000
Pre-Teen ABC Radio Reported off late 2012
1600 WATX TN Algood D NDA 1000 37
Religion JWC Broadcasting Reported off Nov 2014
KATZ MO St. Louis B DAN 5000 5000
Gospel Clear Channel Reported off Nov 07
WMNE FL Riviera Beach B DA2 5000 4700
Pre-Teen Clear Channel Now WHTY - apparently off since ownership change
KXEW AZ South Tucson B DAN 1000 1000
Spanish Clear Channel
KEPN CO Lakewood B DAN 5000 5000
Sports Bonneville Reported on Jan 2014, apparently off Mar 2017
1620 WTAW TX College Station B NDA 10000 1000
Talk Bryan Broadcasting
1630 WRDW GA Augusta B NDA 10000 1000 N Sports Beasley
1640 WKSH WI Sussex B NDA 10000 1000 Y Pre-Teen ABC Radio Silent Sep 2013
KDZR OR Lake Oswego B NDA 10000 1000 Y Talk Salem Media
1660 WBCN NC Charlotte B NDA 10000 1000 Y News/Talk Beasley Ex-WFNA
1670 WD2XXM MD Frederick X NDA ?   N Test station iBiquity Irregular schedule, heard a couple of times in Mar 09
1690 WVON IL Berwyn B NDA 10000 1000 Y Talk Clear Channel
KDMT CO Arvada B NDA 10000 1000 Y Business Talk Salem Media
1700 WRCR NY Ramapo B NDA 10000 1000
News/Talk/AC Alexander Broadcasting Off since early 2017 (station is currently silent)
KKLF TX Richardson B NDA 10000 1000
Spanish Claro Communications On in early days, but off now for years

Antenna Type Description
NDA Non-Directional Antenna
DA1 Directional Antenna, same pattern day and night
DA2 Directional Antenna, different patterns day and night
DAN Directional Antenna at night, Non-Directional during day
DAD Directional Antenna, daytime operation only

© 2007-2016, by Barry McLarnon